Target end-customers of RAISE educational activity are secondary schools pupils at the two last years of their schools curricula.
Secondary schools students will be selected and recruited for motivation from each Research Organizations and Universities partaking to RAISE.
At least 5 pupils per each Research Organization and University per year (30 overall, 60 al the end of the project) will be recruited to perform internships.
The final phase involve at least 20 pupils per year per partner reaching a total of leastwise 600 pupils per year (1200 at the end of the project) by sharing issues and research activities carried out in the field of raw materials by the selected participants at the planned internships.
Indeed it is expected that pupils, after having performed their internships outside the school, bring back the experience to their classmates (an average of 20 pupils per class) in a dissemination action of the activities carried out in research laboratories and companies. Where possible pupils will spread their experience in all of the last two years classrooms of their school, reaching a much higher number of other pupils.